Baka means crane and kak means crow. For each instruction for Side Crow Pose you can also view corresponding yoga sequence to understand how the pose would flow. Side Plank Pose Variation Tree Leg Yoga Vasisthasana Variation Tree Leg Yoga Sequences Benefits Variations And Sanskrit Pronunciation Tummee Com Basic Yoga Plank Pose Side Plank Pose Bend your knees to a half squat thighs parallel to the floor. Bakasana Tummee . Bend the lower body at the knees and come into Pasasana Noose pose. Inhale and push the elbow outwards while feeling the stretch deep in the inner thighs and make sure the spine is extended upwards. It strengthens the arms. As you exhale twist the torso towards the right and bring the left lower ribs across toward th. Natarajasana HistoryThe natarajasana is а backbend standing on one leg and holding other leg by the hand or hands. Pose considered as arm balance. The asana open the shoulders and hips joints open the ribcage stretches the hips and s...