Sit in Dandasana Staff Pose with your legs straight in front of you. Flexibility in the adductor muscles. Try These 9 Steps Towards Tittibasana Firefly Pose Bear In Mind This Is A Challenging Advanced Yoga Sequ Butterfly Pose Yoga Videos Yoga Sequences This stretch will loosen the muscles along the back of your body and begin to prepare your back for the deep stretch that comes with kurmasana. Preparation For Kurmasana . Brahma Muhurta which is about an hour and a half before sunrise is the best time to practice Kurmasana as the mind is inherently calm then making it easier for you to draw inwards into your mind and body. In the standing sequence all the Prasarita Padottanasana are excellent preparation. Preparation for Uttana Kurmasana The upside-down tortoise pose like other poses should be performed preferably in the early hours of the morning or alternatively in the evening if it cannot be performed in the morning time. Practicing Kurmasana is the practice of respectin...