The abdominal organs are nourished and revitalized when the blood from the feet and legs pools in the lower belly. This pose works by helping you to soften the muscles of the vaginal wall while increasing blood flow to the pelvis. Benefits You Get By Throwing Your Legs Up The Wall Lynnai Style Legs Up The Wall Improve Fertility Easy Workouts It is such a simple looking pose but offers the body and mind so many benefits. Legs Up The Wall Benefits Fertility . Stretches and retrains the low back curve. Not only does it feel amazing to put your feet up after youve been running around chasing a preschooler all day but this mild inversion almost immediately shift your nervous. Leg up the wall pose is known as Viparita Karani yoga poses which have various health benefits. Lay on your back with your bottom pressed against the wall and your legs lifted resting against the wall. Line up your yoga mat with the short edge against the wall. Youll end up L shaped but you dont have to be...