For this reason many instructors feel the Cobra is an excellent stress-reduction pose. To create more length in the upper part of the left psoas sweep your arms out and up overhead. Cobra Pose Yoga Yoga Benefits Yoga Anatomy Yoga Postures Move your right foot out at a 90-degree angle and your left foot in by 15 degrees so your right foot heel is aligned with the center of your left foot. Cobra Pose Psoas . Yoga poses that strengthen and lengthen the. With your right foot in front turn your back foot in so that your left toes face slightly to the right. Although the Cobra pose strengthens your spine those suffering from chronic back pain might want to talk to their physician or physical therapist before attempting this asana. To open your Cobra Pose up more try melting your shoulders down away from your head as much as you can then press them back behind you. Extend your right leg straight out to the side bring your right foot in line with your right hip. Stay tall gently r...