It also relieves headaches stress and back pain. Pa-ee-vrt-Tah-AH-doh MOO-kah shva-NAH-sun-uh Level. Yoga Pose Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana Revolved Downward Facing Dog Pose Cool Yoga Poses Yoga Poses For Beginners Yoga Body Begin in downward facing dog. Revolved Downward Facing Dog . This pose is equal parts challenging and invigorating. Benefits of Revolved Downward-Facing Dog Pose. Hold for 3 breaths. Revolved Downward Facing Dog- If youre not already feint yoga seeing some of the more complicated yoga poses can be downright intimidating. It helps to develop lightness in the legs relieving pain or stiffness in the heels whilst strengthening the ankles. You may also like. It adds a deeper stretch to the hamstrings while enhancing detoxification balance and full-body coordination. Parivritta means revolved Adho means downward mukha means face svana means dog asana means posture. Repeat the other side. It stimulates circulation inverts the upper body bu...