Exhale bend your knees and hold the ankles with hands. Popularly known as the Locust Pose in the west practitioners achieve resemblance to a locus at rest on the ground in the final position of this asana. Yoga Ear Pressure Pose Http Yogaposes8 Com Yoga Ear Pressure Pose Html Dynamic Yoga Ear Pressure Plow Pose Yoga How To Do The Salabhasana Lie on your abdomen on the ground and place your hands by your side. Salabhasana Procedure . Shalabhasana is also known as the Lotus posture. While breathing out use the inner thighs to raise your legs slowly and steadily. While inhaling raise the thighs head and chest as high as possible. Shalabhasana or salabhasana also known as grasshopper pose or locust pose is a type of back-bending yoga pose that helps strengthen back muscles. Moreover the pose stimulates the stomach the lower back and the intestine. We get our pictures from another websites search engines and other sources to use as an inspiration for you. Place both ha...