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Pigeon Pose Yoga Modifications

You can press the foot of the lifted leg against a wall for more support and a deeper stretch since you arent holding the weight of your leg as much. And for good reason - it stretches the psoas and hip flexors of the extended leg and the gluteus minor of the bent leg all the while opening the hips. Pigeon Pose Is A Deep Hip Opener That Helps Bring Balance To The Whole Body Read This Guide For Detailed Informa Pigeon Pose King Pigeon Pose Pigeon Pose Yoga Reclined pigeon posefigure 4 pose. Pigeon Pose Yoga Modifications . The pigeon pose stretches the hip flexors on the front of the thigh and pelvis including the psoas. If your body is tense it will have a hard time releasing. As such pigeon pose aka. Pigeon pose we are talking about supta eka pada rajakapotasana here to be precise is a hip-opening forward bend that is a staple of modern vinyasa-style yoga classes. The pose is well loved for its ability to deeply stretch the hip muscles of the front leg lengthen and extend...