The Sanskrit name is Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and while it. Upward Facing Dog Pose Variation. Wow Look At This For Something Different Altogether Yoga Flow For Beginners Yoga Poses Yoga For Beginners Yoga Backbend Upward Facing Dog opens the chest and strengthens the whole body. Upward Facing Dog Pose Variations . Press up actively from the palms drawing the shoulders away from the ears to keep yourself from hanging in the pose. Inhale and stretch the torso forward placing the thighs the lower abdomen on the floor while the upper abdomen the chest and the neck are raised up balancing the body on the bent elbows. Backbends like updog are regarded as extroverted poses which can balance our tendency to curl in on ourselves when we feel depressed or overwhelmed. Downward Facing Dog Pose Upward Facing Dog Pose Variation Flow helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequencesDownward Facing Dog Pose Upward Facing Dog Pose Variation Flow is considered a...