Typically poses are held anywhere from 5-25 minutes. Make Good Use Of The Chair Pose. Printable Chair Yoga Poses Yoga For Seniors Chair Yoga Chair Pose Yoga While the practice of Utkatasana Chair Pose concentrates on strengthening the quads hips and lower back the practice of the same with a chair or wall is done to support the body for better balance. Restorative Yoga Poses In A Chair . Depending on the mobility of the class a yoga teacher might include a pose or two that involves standing up perhaps using stabilizing hands on the chair to aid and train balance. Strengthens the Spine From the twists bends and stretches that you do with restorative yoga poses you give your spine the workout it needs. Corpse Pose Savasana Sleep restores us inside and out. Learn the most appropriate propping technique for your body and restore yourself in just 15 minutes. These poses are often supported by props that allow you to completely relax into the given stretch. Practice the Tree pos...