In Sanskrit Ardha Half Chandra Moon or Luminous. Open your torso and chest. Pin On Sweat Pose of the Week. Half Moon Pose Cues . Adjust the right hand and the left foot to the right shift the weight into the right foot and lift into Ardha Chandrasana. It can also be a fun pose to transition into from Extended Triangle Utthita Trikonasana. Half Moon Pose in Iyengar Yoga is entirely different from the pose described already. Some teachers will usually have students start in Triangle pose and then lift the back leg to come into balancing Half Moon pose. Ardha chandrasana ARE-dah chan-DRAHS-anna or half moon pose is a challenging balance posture. Sure half moon looked simple enough and thanks to years of ballet I was quite accustomed to balancing on one leg so my struggle to find stability in this pose came as a shock and a bit of a blow to my egoI chalked my lack of balance up to the fact that in ballet my standing-leg. - You can also keep your right hand on your hip...